Reid Lockhart Golf Club

Reid Lockhart Golf Equipment

Reid Lochhart is a company that is committed to producing high quality, game-improvement golf clubs that help golfers lower their scores and maximize their enjoyment of the game.

Reid Lockhart Quality

Every Reid Lockhart golf club has been designed and engineered to represent the ultimate union of

modern manufacturing technology and traditional standards of craftsmanship.

Forging—by Reid Lockhart

Forged from premium 1021 carbon steel for exceptional feel, as compared to the ‘form forged semi- cast process often used by many other manufacturers. The faces are milled to insure flatness and we employ a new modified machine engraved U groove to promote the ultimate spin characteristics for the new low spin balls on the market today. Heads are manufactured using a two-piece process called abrasive welding, in which the hosel and the head are fused together. The benefit of this technique is it allows the hosel to be separately machined thus creating precise hosel lengths, bore depths, and perfect concentric, evenly walled bores to insure that the shaft is centered exactly in the head at assembly. This is a costly process that no other major manufacturer employs.

The patented Dual Bounce Sole wedges clubs have been popular among golfers for a decade and are now joined by the Reid Lockhart Forged QB (Quad-Bounce) Sole wedges. Unique Reid Lockhart Blade Irons — long considered by many as the most forgiving and best looking blade ever made.

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Reid Lockhart Golf Club Models


RL Persimmon

Iron Sets

RL Blades RL Forged Chrome RL DC Dual Cavity
RL Forged Melonite


RL QB Sole Wedge RL Blades RL Forged Melonite
Dual Bounce Sole RL Forged Chrome